Sunday, May 2, 2021

Spring in Kindergarten!

 Kindergarten is BLOOMING! 

The back of our classroom looks so lovely with the kids' tissue paper flowers 
blooming on our tree and along the back counter. 


In preparation for our Inventor's Workshop and in conjunction with our math unit on 2D and 3D shapes; we made 4 different animals out of paper. This is also a lesson on resilience, patience and independence. They work hard on these and feel proud of what they created in the end! 

Creating with marshmallows and toothpicks. Making cubes, pyramids and prisms to build a structure! 


Gold Rush supported Legend's Wish Week by participating in dress up days and donating to Make A Wish Colorado. The spirit days were Superheroes, Disney Day, Western Wear, Sports Gear and School Spirit! Congrats to Legend on a successful week! 


Each week a class is selected to have Digger the GRE mascot spend a week in their classroom. We had collected the most Golden Tickets one week in April and got to host Digger. 


We have been working hard in math and building upon concepts. This group of kids has grasped the concepts of how to build teen numbers. They love numbers and explaining how they figured out a math problem. I have kids ask me all the time if they can fill out a 100 chart just for fun! Love that! Here are some kids hard at work on math games. 

100th Day of School 

We celebrated the 100th Day of school by sharing our 100 day projects, writing about what we would be like when we were 100 years old and what we would buy with $100, making 100th Day of School crowns, playing math games to 100 and making necklaces with 100 fruit loops! 

Sunday, January 31, 2021

January 2021

 So happy to be back in the CLASSROOM FULL TIME! 

We had a great first month back to school. The amount of learning and growth that has happened just since we have been back has been so fun to witness. I love the lightbulbs that are clicking on in all their little minds!! Here are some fun pictures from our first month back! 

The kids LOVE when they show up TWINNING with a friend! 

"Can you take our picture??" 

Using Our New Addition and Subtraction Skills 

to play a Math Game 

Their Writing is REALLY taking off! 

They are excited about their HOW TO books. 

We spent some time sharing our books with friends. 

Celebrating an American Hero

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Third Quarter

 Welcome to 2021

We made it to 2021! We survived hybrid, in person and remote learning during our first semester and we are ready to come back full time, in person this week! I know I have missed the kids and I am confident that they have missed their friends! So happy that we get to return to the classroom and ready to get our third quarter started. Let's do this! 

Super Readers

During our first semester we learned that we all have a lot of strategies to help us become better readers. We call these strategies Reading Superpowers. We will build onto those powers and continue to grow them stronger. Each student has a reading envelope full of books that they know how to read and ones that they chose from our classroom. They enjoy spending time in their reading spot; quietly reading and looking at their book choices. 

    We are Writers         

During the first semester we concentrated on learning how to phonetically sound out words, use spacing and punctuation and write what we wanted to express. In the second quarter we began writing Small Moment stories of memorable and meaningful events in our lives. In December we spent two weeks trying our hand at informational writing as we researched about the Earth and the Sun. We will continue with more Small Moment writing to start off the year and then learn about the HOW TO writing format. 


 < + - > = 

At Gold Rush we use the Envision math program. During the first semester we completed six topics and ended with the unit on Addition. The kids are all masters about the concepts of greater than, less than and equal too. The students are counting by 1s, 10s, 5s and some are even working on counting by 2s. We are learning our 2-D and 3-D shapes. We are writing our numbers up to and even past 100. We use games and hand on materials to enhance our understanding of mathematical concepts. We work independently, in pairs and in groups during math. We mix it up to keep it engaging and challenging! 
Working in a group of three, rotating around the room to work on Ten-Frame Math problems

Our line extends to the back of the classroom as we attempt to keep a distance between each other!

Thankful for our country on Veteran's Day 2020

Holiday crafts in December Remote Learning Style! Cute Santas!!